5 Ways to Ease Back-to-School Anxiety

after-school activities anxiety back to school bedtime routine summer break tutoring

DISCLAIMER: This post does not provide any medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for seeking help. If you/ your child are suffering from anxiety, please contact your local healthcare provider.

Black tutor in Atlanta

Photo credits: @spiffyshotthis on Instagram

It is almost time to send your child back to school, but they may not be as excited as you think. YOU may be ready to send your child back to school to give yourself a break and get back into a consistent routine, but let’s talk about your child's anxiety. After a long two-month break, your child is still in vacay mode. Alarm clock? What’s that? Waking up early? No way! A uniform? No, thank you! The transition back into a routine can be scary for them, especially if your child does not “like” school in the first place. 

Here are 5 ways to ease your child’s back-to-school anxiety:

  1. Start your child's bedtime routine in advance. They will not fight with you every morning if they are accustomed to their routine.
  2. Go to their open house together! Let them see the environment and meet their new teacher before school begins.
  3. Make school shopping an experience. Allow your child the freedom to choose what folders, pencil cases, and lunchbox they get for the new school year. 
  4. Listen to your child’s concerns. Have an open discussion about their fears, assumptions, and feelings. 
  5. Practice their after-school routines. What days should they expect dad to pick them up? When is basketball practice? If you’re late, what should they do?

HUMBLE Tutoring suggests that you set the tone for the school year at least two weeks before their first day! Give your family room for trial and error. Your child may wake up late a few times, allowing you to see how to alter the morning schedule if/when they oversleep. Walk through how YOUR schedule will change without the kids at home! Your morning and evening routines may need a few adjustments. Remember to let your support system know their roles in your child’s back-to-school plan. 

We wish you and your child a safe, happy, and prosperous school year!

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