Blog — reading specialist

Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension

academic support Black children Black educators Black excellence books for Black kids comprehension culture relevancy education HUMBLE Tutoring learning learning activities learning gaps learning loss parent support poor comprehension reading reading comprehension reading specialist reading support student performance student success vocabulary

Actionable strategies to address the causes of poor reading comprehension and empower your child on their literacy journey.

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Unveiling the Causes of Poor Reading Comprehension

background knowledge Black children Black excellence books for Black kids culture relevancy HUMBLE Tutoring poor comprehension reading reading comprehension reading specialist reading support vocabulary

Here are the common causes of poor reading comprehension and shed light on strategies to address them.

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How Summer Tutoring Impacts Student Performance: A Case Study

benefits of summer tutoring learning gaps learning loss math interventionist math skills math tutoring minority youth reading reading specialist reading support student performance student success summer slump summer tutoring tutoring

How Summer Tutoring Impacts Student Performance: A Case Study

Our case study shows how a student can become a competitive scholar JUST by being enrolled in a tutoring program over the summer. Being proactive is essential because regression looks different for every scholar. Kids are bullied every day because they are not “smart”, which impacts the child’s confidence and attitude toward education.

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